amanté & Emerge Global
Emerge & amanté
In line with the vision of empowering women, amanté is partnering with Emerge Lanka, a branch of Emerge Global. The organization was founded on the premise of uplifting young women who have experienced mental and physical trauma to revive hope, build community, and pave an aspiring future. The foundation enriches the minds of these young women through a multitude of programs from life skills and mentorship to reintegration, and resident empowerment.

"This money I earned from Emerge have contributed to building my house. This money will be reimbursed to me as my family is involved in a housing project spearheaded by the Government. When I get my money back I hope to re-save it for the future of my family." – Programme Alum
Four Core Programmes:
Beads-to-Business educates girls on jewelry making for therapeutic and educational purposes and help start their own small business. It focuses on applied skills such as budgeting, inventory management, and financing to name a few.
The Mentorship Program pairs the girls with adult role models to cover topics such as mental health, body image, and social responsibility to name a few.
"An unexpected event changed my life one day. It left me at my lowest, heart broken and lonely. At that time, when I was without any help, feeling sad, it was the Emerge beading workshop that helped ease my pain and loneliness and helped me make up my mind and console myself. The satisfaction I feel in combining beautiful colors, designing and completing a beautiful necklace or bracelet is hard to describe in words. These workshops have helped me succeed in life and face life as a successful human being to this day. Now as my career, I have dedicated myself to teach girls that have faced the same challenges as me. I do it with immense happiness." – Programme Alum

With an unparalleled vision to enfranchise women, amanté has partnered with Emerge Lanka to strengthen the voice of these women in Sri Lanka.
As an initial step, amanté has taken initiative to feature and sell jewelry uniquely crafted by these women; where all proceeds of the sale would be channeled to the girl who made the item.
The message is one of perseverance; to raise awareness and comprehend the overarching strength personified by each and every woman to live with passion, hope, and an excitement for the future. Join us, as we celebrate the momentous bravery embodied within each woman courageously living.